ようこそ小郡教会へ Welcome!
Ogori Church was founded in 1953, setting up a Christian preschool named "Sumire-en". The school had had a special tree modeled in a picture book called "Penkan no ki nobottayo" (Climbing the Pecan Hickory Tree), published by Fukuinkan Shoten Publishers, Inc. Our symbolic tree, the pecan hickory, was taken away due to a second structure, consecrated in 2015. A piece of the wood is now used as a cross on the altar wall. We have Christ-centered worship service and joyful meetings. Thanks to our Lord and senior members, Church garden is filled with flowers all year around.
Sunday Service
主日礼拝は、毎週日曜午前10時15分から約1時間です。Sunday 10:15am, about an hour service.
Groups & Mini Events
Bible Study & Prayer Meeting
Saturday CD concert
Ogori Theater
-drawing class for beginners
フェイスブックで、随時教会情報を更新しています。Find us on Facebook.